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Mokken named head coach at netball academy

One of SASCA’s sports coaches has been appointed head coach for the TuksSport High School Netball Academy. We join the entire SASCA coaching fraternity in wishing Sone Mokken every success in this next stage of her career. 

‘What is most important to me when working with young players is to make sure they never feel pressured. They should enjoy what they do. I have found that is when they learn the most,’ she said.

 ‘What is exciting is that I will get to work with most of the girls for a period of three to five years while they are the TuksSport High School. It means there will be ample time to find out what each player’s strengths and weaknesses are and what could be done to ensure they get to be even better. 

 ‘The plan is to ensure that the best players get to continue playing after matriculating. If we succeed in doing so, it could mean in a few years from now the national pool from which our Protea team is selected could be much more significant.’

It was also announced that TuksNetball and the TuksSport High School have decided to start a Netball Academy from next year.TuksSport High School is already involved in two of the most successful sports development programmes in South Africa. It is the Safa Girls Soccer Academy and the Nike Athletics Foundation Trust.